Hui An is the face of our adidas x N Style Editor’s Pick April. The South Korean model was a teacher before he moved to London to start modeling.
23. April 2018 I Interview Laura Pausewang I Photos First Models I Model Hui An @ First Models

Music plays an important role in Hui’s life. It makes him happier and more sensitive. Other than that the South Korean model works hard on his career and was already modeling for Ben Sherman. Find out more about Hui’s favorite music and greatest passion in our interview below:
Can you recommend some cool spots in the city you are based in and the city you come from?
Han river in Seoul, because it’s a great place to exercise and to eat all kinds of food. The view is cool too.
What’s your greatest passion?
Music, it always makes me feel better, happier or more sensitive.
Do you have a role model you look up to?
My father, as he always taught me to go towards the right direction. Although I suffer a lot.
What inspires you?
Painting. When I visit galleries, I feel and think so much.

What does fashion mean to you?
Everything related to art.
Do you have a personell project you are dedicated to?
Yes, but that’s a secret. haha.
What is important for you in life?
Happiness. I hope everyone is happy.
What is the one piece of fashion you can’t live without this summer?
Necklaces and bracelets. During summer, outfits have to become lighter, which perfectly works with a focus on accessories.

Are there any musicians/bands you admire?
Hyoshin Park a.k.a General. He is a Korean top musician. His music is healing to me.
Any book you can recommend?
Hector and the search for happiness. It makes you think about real happiness.
What would you do in life if you were not a model?
Actually I was an r&b and soul musician. I wanted to sing to treat people.
How important is social media for you as a model?
Not always important but sometimes the most important. Yes, it’s important.
See more from Hui An in our two editorials Dare you true blue and N Style x adidas Editor´s Pick April